At populAir an infant is a child who has not yet turned 2 years but is at least 7 days old. Below is some useful information about travelling with an infant.
It is only allowed to travel with one infant per adult.
When you fly with an infant, he or she must sit on your lap.
The child shall not be fastened in the same seatbelt as the adult, he or she will receive their own seatbelt which is fastened to the adult’s seatbelt.
The child must be held steady during take-off and landing.
To help the child with pressure equalization it is possible to give him or her nasal drops 30 minutes before departure.
There is no checked luggage included in the ticket for an infant, you are however free to bring a stroller or child seat without charge.
With populAir it is possible for you to travel during the most part of your pregnancy. To the end of your pregnancy there might however be some restrictions
While you are pregnant it is allowed to travel unlimited up to 4 weeks before due date
When it is less than 4 weeks left until due date a medical certificate is needed and the flight may not exceed 2 hours.
When it is less than 2 weeks left until due date it is not allowed to fly despite presenting a medical certificate.
Child seats cannot be order for any of our flights. If you wish to bring your own child seat on board must place it in its own seat, therefore you will have to pay for an extra seat for the flight. You will be charged for a seat that corresponds to the ticket price for one child 2-12 years. An example of child seats that we accept on board.